The Barrio Fiesta (Egsahakeen) and Castration


TITLE The Barrio Fiesta (Egsahakeen) and Castration

SPEAKER Datu Umising Angguling

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE March 27, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS4A4 (near end)

TRANSCRIBED Aurelio Linggan and Robert Hunt

INTERLINEARIZED April 1991 (RH) - Redone May91

NOTE Recorded privately in my office

MU231002 001

   Spoken: Iyan neg lalaheng          ku        kuntee    emun    eggimuma     
   Formal: Iyan ne  eglalahen         ku        kuntee    emun    eggimuma     
 Phonemic: ­ian ne  ­eglalagen        ku        kunte­e   ­emun   ­eghimuma    
  Lexemes: ­ian ne  ­eg- =lalag=-en   ku        kunte­e   ­emun   ­eg- =himuma 
  Lex POS: dem  lnk v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron      adv       conj    v_aff=v_rt   
Lex Gloss: that LNK NP   =say  =ObF   1s_NF(II) now/today if/when NP   =arrive 
 Word POS: dem  lnk v                 pron      adv       conj    v            
Wrd Gloss: that -   say               I         now       if      arrive       

   Spoken: ka  pegsahakeen     ney        kayit     Panganan, emun    Biseye    
   Formal: ka  pegsahakeen     ney        kayi  te  Panganan  emun    Biseye    
 Phonemic: ka2 pegsagake­en    ney        kai  #te  Pa¥anan   ­emun   Biseye­   
  Lexemes: ka2 peg- =sagake­en ney        kai  #te  Pa¥anan   ­emun   Biseye­   
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff=v_rt      pron       dem  #cmk prop_n    conj    n         
Lex Gloss: F   NMR  =feast     1pe_NF(II) here #NF  Panganan  if/when Visayan   
 Word POS: cmk n               pron       dem   cmk prop_n    conj    n         
Wrd Gloss: the fiesta          ours(excl) here  at  Panganan  if      lowlander 

   Spoken: pista.   
   Formal: pista    
 Phonemic: pista    
  Lexemes: pista    
  Lex POS: n        
Lex Gloss: festival 
 Word POS: n        
Wrd Gloss: fiesta   

What I want to talk about today is when the fiesta (Matigsalug: pegsahakeen, Cebuano: pista) approaches here at Panganan

What I want to talk about today is when the fiesta approaches here at Panganan.

MU231002 002

   Spoken: Matigsalug               egsahakeen       wey  egsunggud    te  
   Formal: Matigsalug               egsahakeen       wey  egsunggud    te  
 Phonemic: Matigsalug               ­egsagake­en     wey  ­egsu¥gud    te  
  Lexemes: Matigsalug               ­eg- =sagake­en  wey  ­eg- =su¥gud te  
  Lex POS: prop_n                   v_aff=v_rt       conj v_aff=v_rt   cmk 
Lex Gloss: those_by_the_Salug_river NP   =feast      and  NP   =feed   NF  
 Word POS: prop_n                   v                conj v            cmk 
Wrd Gloss: Matigsalug               celebrate_fiesta and  feed         -   

   Spoken: kamanga          se  Matigsalug               ne  egngaran.   
   Formal: kamanga          se  Matigsalug               ne  egngaran    
 Phonemic: kama¥a           se  Matigsalug               ne  ­eg¥adan    
  Lexemes: kama¥a           se  Matigsalug               ne  ­eg- =¥adan 
  Lex POS: v_rt             cmk prop_n                   lnk v_aff=n     
Lex Gloss: sharpen_blade    F   those_by_the_Salug_river LNK NP   =name  
 Word POS: n                cmk prop_n                   lnk v           
Wrd Gloss: sharpening_stone the Matigsalug               -   name        

In Matigsalug there is 'egsahakeen' (fiesta) and 'feeding the sharpening stone' as the Matigsalugs call it.

The Matigsalugs have 'egsahakeen' (fiesta) and also a ceremony called 'feeding the sharpening stone'.

The ceremony called 'feeding the sharpening stone' is late in the year just before the people start clearing the fields for next year's crops.

MU231002 003

   Spoken: Gimuma te  Ectubli  binti-une,  binti-dus  se  kanami      ne  
   Formal: Gimuma te  Uktubri  binti-unu   binti-dus  se  kanami      ne  
 Phonemic: himuma te  ­Uktubri binti­unu   bintidus   se  kanami      ne  
  Lexemes: himuma te  ­Uktubri binti =­unu binti =dus se  kanami      ne  
  Lex POS: v_rt   cmk prop_n   num   =num  num   =num cmk pron        lnk 
Lex Gloss: arrive NF  October  twenty=one  twenty=two F   1pe_NF(III) LNK 
 Word POS: v      cmk prop_n   num         num        cmk pron        lnk 
Wrd Gloss: arrive -   October  twenty-one  twenty-two the we(excl)    -   

   Spoken: igsahakeen        kayi igsunggud      te  kamanga          wey  
   Formal: igsahakeen        kayi igsunggud      te  kamanga          wey  
 Phonemic: ­igsagake­en      kai  ­igsu¥gud      te  kama¥a           wey  
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =sagake­en kai  ­ig-   =su¥gud te  kama¥a           wey  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt      dem  v_aff  =v_rt   cmk v_rt             conj 
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=feast     here NP_AccF=feed   NF  sharpen_blade    and  
 Word POS: v                 dem  v              cmk n                conj 
Wrd Gloss: celebrate_fiesta  here feed           -   sharpening_stone and  

   Spoken: igpista          neg buyu          ak                    mengeanak 
   Formal: igpista          ne  egbuyu        a    ki               mengeanak 
 Phonemic: ­igpista         ne  ­egbuyu­      ­a  #ki2              me¥e­anak 
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =pista    ne  ­eg- =buyu­   ­a  #ki2              me¥e­anak 
  Lex POS: v_aff  =n        lnk v_aff=v_rt    pron#cmk              n         
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=festival LNK NP   =ask_for 1s_F#NF(III)_PERS(sg) nephew    
 Word POS: v                lnk v             pron#cmk              n         
Wrd Gloss: fiesta           -   request       I   #-                nephew    

   Spoken: egpatabang        te  seleppi  ne  balit     senge libu     wey  senge 
   Formal: egpatabang        te  seleppi  ne  bali  te  senge libu     wey  senge 
 Phonemic: ­egpataba¥        te  seleppi­ ne  bali #te  se¥e  libu     wey  se¥e  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =pA-  =taba¥ te  seleppi­ ne  bali #te  se¥e  libu     wey  se¥e  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  cmk n        lnk n    #cmk adj   num      conj adj   
Lex Gloss: NP   =CAUS =help  NF  money    LNK price#NF  one   thousand and  one   
 Word POS: v                 cmk n        lnk n    #cmk adj   num      conj adj   
Wrd Gloss: cause_to_help     -   money    -   price#-   one   thousand and  one   

   Spoken: sakun    ballas      sug        keenen            ney        kayi 
   Formal: saku ne  ballas      su         egkeenen          ney        kayi 
 Phonemic: saku#ne  ballas      su         ­egke­enen        ney        kai  
  Lexemes: saku#ne  ballas      su         ­eg- =ke­en=-en   ney        kai  
  Lex POS: n   #lnk n           conj       v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron       dem  
Lex Gloss: sack#LNK husked_rice because/so NP   =eat  =ObF   1pe_NF(II) here 
 Word POS: n   #lnk n           conj       v                 pron       dem  
Wrd Gloss: sack#-   rice        because    thing_to_eat      we(excl)   here 

   Spoken: te  pista    kayit     Panganan kahit      Biseye    
   Formal: te  pista    kayi  te  Panganan kahi   te  Biseye    
 Phonemic: te  pista    kai  #te  Pa¥anan  kagi  #te  Biseye­   
  Lexemes: te  pista    kai  #te  Pa¥anan  kagi  #te  Biseye­   
  Lex POS: cmk n        dem  #cmk prop_n   v_rt  #cmk n         
Lex Gloss: NF  festival here #NF  Panganan speak #NF  Visayan   
 Word POS: cmk n        dem   cmk prop_n   v     #cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: at  fiesta   here  at  Panganan gossip#-   lowlander 

   Spoken: Matigsalug               senge libu.    
   Formal: Matigsalug               senge libu     
 Phonemic: Matigsalug               se¥e  libu     
  Lexemes: Matigsalug               se¥e  libu     
  Lex POS: prop_n                   adj   num      
Lex Gloss: those_by_the_Salug_river one   thousand 
 Word POS: prop_n                   adj   num      
Wrd Gloss: Matigsalug               one   thousand 

On October 21, 22 arrives our celebration and 'feeding the sharpening stone' and fiesta and I request from nephew to help with money to the amount of one thousand and one sack of rice so that we can eat at the fiesta here at Panganan.

So when October 21 and 22 arrive I ask you nephew to help with P1000 and a sack of rice so that we can eat at the fiesta and the 'feeding the sharpening stone' ceremony.

The correct dates are October 25 and 26.

MU231002 004

   Spoken: Su         iyang kug       beliyen          se  babuy ne  pigkapun.      
   Formal: su         iyan  ku        egbeliyen        se  babuy ne  pigkapun       
 Phonemic: su         ­ian  ku        ­egbelien        se  babuy ne  pigkapun       
  Lexemes: su         ­ian  ku        ­eg- =beli=-en   se  babuy ne  pig- =kapun    
  Lex POS: conj       dem   pron      v_aff=v_rt=v_aff cmk n     lnk v_aff=v        
Lex Gloss: because/so that  1s_NF(II) NP   =buy =ObF   F   pig   LNK ObF_P=castrate 
 Word POS: conj       dem   pron      v                cmk n     lnk v              
Wrd Gloss: because    that  I         buy              the pig   -   castrated      

Because what I'll buy will be a neutered pig.

I'll buy the neutered pig.

MU231002 005

   Spoken: Siinis     babuy egbakuen,         pekeyibat         sis        babuy 
   Formal: seini  se  babuy egbakuen          pekeyibat         si     se  babuy 
 Phonemic: se­ini#se  babuy ­egbaku­en        pekehibat         se­ini#se  babuy 
  Lexemes: se­ini#se  babuy ­eg- =baku­=-en   pAkA-=hibat       se­ini#se  babuy 
  Lex POS: pron  #cmk n     v_aff=v_rt =v_aff v_aff=v_rt        pron  #cmk n     
Lex Gloss: this  #F   pig   NP   =bind =ObF   INVOL=lie_down    this  #F   pig   
 Word POS: pron  #cmk n     v                 v                 pron  #cmk n     
Wrd Gloss: this  #the pig   bind_up           cause_to_lie_down this  #the pig   

   Spoken: riyet     tane,  neg ebuan                      se  butu    te  
   Formal: riye  te  tane   ne  eg-ebuan                   se  butu    te  
 Phonemic: die­ #te  tane­  ne  ­eg­ebu­an                 se  butu­   te  
  Lexemes: die­ #te  tane­  ne  ­eg- =­ebu­         =-an   se  butu­   te  
  Lex POS: dem  #cmk n      lnk v_aff=v_rt          =v_aff cmk n       cmk 
Lex Gloss: there#NF  earth  LNK NP   =cut_open_flesh=LocF  F   scrotum NF  
 Word POS: dem  #cmk n      lnk v                          cmk n       cmk 
Wrd Gloss: there#on  ground -   cut_open_flesh             the scrotum -   

   Spoken: ilab.         
   Formal: ilab          
 Phonemic: ­ilab         
  Lexemes: ­ilab         
  Lex POS: n             
Lex Gloss: slender_knife 
 Word POS: n             
Wrd Gloss: slender_knife 

This pig, bind it up, lie this pig down on the ground and cut open the scrotum with a fine knife.

The pig is tied up, laid down on the ground, and the scrotum is cut open with a slender knife.

MU231002 006

   Spoken: Keimpusan       teg ebu,                 ig-aween                   e    
   Formal: Keimpusan       te  eg-ebu               ig-aween                   e    
 Phonemic: ke­impusan      te  ­eg­ebu­             ­ig­awe­en                 ­e   
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­impus  te  ­eg- =­ebu­          ­ig-   =­awe­       =-en   ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt    cmk v_aff=v_rt           v_aff  =v_rt        =v_aff part 
Lex Gloss: NOM    =finish  NF  NP   =cut_open_flesh NP_AccF=remove/leave=ObF   COMP 
 Word POS: v               cmk v                    v                          part 
Wrd Gloss: having_finished -   cut_open_flesh       remove                     COMP 

   Spoken: seeye      se  atelug   te  butu    igdapig           e.   
   Formal: seeye      se  atelug   te  butu    igdapig           e    
 Phonemic: se­eye­    se  ­atelug  te  butu­   ­igdapig          ­e   
  Lexemes: se­eye­    se  ­atelug  te  butu­   ­ig-   =dapig     ­e   
  Lex POS: dem        cmk n        cmk n       v_aff  =v_rt      part 
Lex Gloss: that_there F   egg      NF  scrotum NP_AccF=put_aside COMP 
 Word POS: dem        cmk n        cmk n       v                 part 
Wrd Gloss: there      the testicle of  scrotum put_aside         COMP 

Having finished cutting open, remove the "eggs" from the scrotum and put aside.

Then remove the testicles and discard.

MU231002 007

   Spoken: Keimpusan       egkuwat        simat, teyien     seeye      se  
   Formal: Keimpusan       egkuwa     te  simat  teyien     seeye      se  
 Phonemic: ke­impusan      ­egkua    #te  simat  tei­en     se­eye­    se  
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­impus  ­eg- =kua #te  simat  tei­=-en   se­eye­    se  
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt    v_aff=v_rt#cmk n      v_rt=v_aff dem        cmk 
Lex Gloss: NOM    =finish  NP   =get #NF  needle sew =ObF   that_there F   
 Word POS: v               v         #cmk n      v          dem        cmk 
Wrd Gloss: having_finished take      #-   needle sew        there      the 

   Spoken: butut       babuy. 
   Formal: butu    te  babuy  
 Phonemic: butu­  #te  babuy  
  Lexemes: butu­  #te  babuy  
  Lex POS: n      #cmk n      
Lex Gloss: scrotum#NF  pig    
 Word POS: n      #cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: scrotum#-   pig    

Having finished, get a needle and so up that scrotum of the pig.

Then get a needle and sew up the pig's scrotum.

MU231002 008

   Spoken: Keimpusan       teg teyi       eglekaan            
   Formal: Keimpusan       te  egteyi     eglekaan            
 Phonemic: ke­impusan      te  ­egtei­    ­egleka­an          
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­impus  te  ­eg- =tei­ ­eg- =leke­  =-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt    cmk v_aff=v_rt v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: NOM    =finish  NF  NP   =sew  NP   =release=LocF  
 Word POS: v               cmk v          v                   
Wrd Gloss: having_finished -   sew        release             

   Spoken: egpamaak                e    sis        babuy panuwal       e    riye, 
   Formal: egpamaak                e    si     se  babuy panuwal       e    riye  
 Phonemic: ­egpamaak               ­e   se­ini#se  babuy panual        ­e   die­  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =pamaak            ­e   se­ini#se  babuy paN- =sual    ­e   die­  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt              part pron  #cmk n     v_aff=v_rt    part dem   
Lex Gloss: NP   =feed_at_distance? COMP this  #F   pig   DISTR=root_up COMP there 
 Word POS: v                       part pron  #cmk n     v             part dem   
Wrd Gloss: feed_at_distance??      COMP this  #the pig   root_up       COMP there 

   Spoken: neg lubug       et       basak neg keulian                            
   Formal: ne  eglubug     e    te  basak ne  egkeulian                          
 Phonemic: ne  ­eglubug    ­e  #te  basak ne  ­egke­uli­an                       
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =lubug ­e  #te  basak ne  ­eg- =kA1- =­uli­           =-an   
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_rt  part#cmk n     lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt            =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =bathe COMP#NF  mud   LNK NP   =INVOL=return_home/heal=LocF  
 Word POS: lnk v           part#cmk n     lnk v                                  
Wrd Gloss: -   lie_in_mud  COMP#-   mud   -   get_better                         

   Spoken: e    seeye      se  butu    ne  pigkapun.      
   Formal: e    seeye      se  butu    ne  pigkapun       
 Phonemic: ­e   se­eye­    se  butu­   ne  pigkapun       
  Lexemes: ­e   se­eye­    se  butu­   ne  pig- =kapun    
  Lex POS: part dem        cmk n       lnk v_aff=v        
Lex Gloss: COMP that_there F   scrotum LNK ObF_P=castrate 
 Word POS: part dem        cmk n       lnk v              
Wrd Gloss: COMP there      the scrotum -   castrated      

Having finished sewing up, release it and put it to feed at a distance, to root around there and lie in the mud so that that scrotum that was castrated will get better.

Then release the pig and put it to feed at a distance so it can root around there (and thus be distracted from the pain) and lie in the mud so that it's scrotum will get better.

MU231002 009

   Spoken: Keulian                  meupiye     es       lawa rin.      
   Formal: keulian                  meupiye     e    se  lawa rin       
 Phonemic: ke­uli­an                me­upie     ­e  #se  lawa din       
  Lexemes: kA><an-=­uli­            mA1-=­upia  ­e  #se  lawa din       
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt             aff =adj_rt part#cmk n    pron      
Lex Gloss: NOM    =return_home/heal ADJR=good   COMP#F   body 3s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                        adj         part#cmk n    pron      
Wrd Gloss: having_got_better        good        COMP#the body his       

Having got better, its body is already good.

Once it gets better, its body will be good.

MU231002 010

   Spoken: Dakel    wey  malambu.    
   Formal: Dakel    wey  malambu     
 Phonemic: dakel    wey  malambu­    
  Lexemes: dakel    wey  mA1-=lambu­ 
  Lex POS: adj      conj aff =adj_rt 
Lex Gloss: big/many and  ADJR=stout  
 Word POS: adj      conj adj         
Wrd Gloss: big      and  fat         

Big and fat.

Big and fat.

MU231002 011

   Spoken: Sika ka      pangguhureng           kut             babuy neg 
   Formal: Sika ka      pangguhuren            ku        te    babuy ne  
 Phonemic: sika ka1     pa¥guguden             ku       #te    babuy ne  
  Lexemes: sika ka1     paN- =gugud     =-en   ku       #te    babuy ne  
  Lex POS: pron pron    v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron     #cmk   n     lnk 
Lex Gloss: that 2s_F    DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II)#NF    pig   LNK 
 Word POS: pron pron    v                      pron     #cmk   n     lnk 
Wrd Gloss: that you(sg) story                  I        #about pig   -   

   Spoken: kapunen              su         meyi keneg kakapun               
   Formal: egkapunen            su         meyi kene  egkakapun             
 Phonemic: ­egkapunen           su         mei­ kene­ ­egkakapun            
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kapun   =-en   su         mei­ kene­ ­eg- =rdpCV-=kapun    
  Lex POS: v_aff=v       =v_aff conj       conj adv   v_aff=v_aff =v        
Lex Gloss: NP   =castrate=ObF   because/so if   not   NP   =-     =castrate 
 Word POS: v                    conj       conj adv   v                     
Wrd Gloss: castrate             because    if   not   castrate              

   Spoken: maleng-ig    su         rue      butu    wey  ahad     te  baleug     
   Formal: maleng-ig    su         rue      butu    wey  ahad     te  baleug     
 Phonemic: male¥­ig     su         du­e1    butu­   wey  ­agad    te  bale­ug    
  Lexemes: mA1-=le¥­ig  su         du­e1    butu­   wey  ­agad    te  bale­ug    
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt  conj       psd_v    n       conj v_rt     cmk n          
Lex Gloss: ADJR=odorous because/so there_is scrotum and  copulate NF  female_pig 
 Word POS: adj          conj       psd_v    n       conj v        cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: smelly       because    there_is scrotum and  copulate -   female_pig 

   Spoken: ne  babuy, malitan ne  babuy. 
   Formal: ne  babuy  malitan ne  babuy  
 Phonemic: ne  babuy  malitan ne  babuy  
  Lexemes: ne  babuy  malitan ne  babuy  
  Lex POS: lnk n      n       lnk n      
Lex Gloss: LNK pig    woman   LNK pig    
 Word POS: lnk n      n       lnk n      
Wrd Gloss: -   pig    woman   -   pig    

That is my story about castrated pig because if (we) don't castrate, (it will be) smelly because it has a scrotum and copulate with female pigs.

That's my story about castrating pigs, because if we don't castrate them, they are smelly and copulate with female pigs because they still have testicles.

MU231002 012

   Spoken: Emun    warad          butu,   kenad          eg-ahad,       
   Formal: Emun    warad          butu    kenad          eg-ahad        
 Phonemic: ­emun   wadad          butu­   kenad          ­eg­agad       
  Lexemes: ­emun   wade­=-d       butu­   kene­=-d       ­eg- =­agad    
  Lex POS: conj    adv  =nonv_aff n       adv  =nonv_aff v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: if/when no   =COMPL    scrotum not  =COMPL    NP   =copulate 
 Word POS: conj    adt            n       adv            v              
Wrd Gloss: if      no_more        scrotum not_COMPL      copulate       

   Spoken: kenad          eg-alig                   te  beyan         ne  babuy 
   Formal: kenad          eg-alig                   te  beyan         ne  babuy 
 Phonemic: kenad          ­eg­alig                  te  beyan         ne  babuy 
  Lexemes: kene­=-d       ­eg- =­alig               te  beyan         ne  babuy 
  Lex POS: adv  =nonv_aff v_aff=v_rt                cmk n             lnk n     
Lex Gloss: not  =COMPL    NP   =desire_opposite_sex NF  female_animal LNK pig   
 Word POS: adv            v                         cmk n             lnk n     
Wrd Gloss: not_COMPL      desire_opposite_sex       -   female        -   pig   

   Spoken: su         warad          ma   butu.   
   Formal: su         warad          ma   butu    
 Phonemic: su         wadad          ma   butu­   
  Lexemes: su         wade­=-d       ma   butu­   
  Lex POS: conj       adv  =nonv_aff part n       
Lex Gloss: because/so no   =COMPL    DIM  scrotum 
 Word POS: conj       adt            part n       
Wrd Gloss: because    no_more        DIM  scrotum 

If no more scrotum, it doesn't copulate, doesn't desire female pigs, because it has no scrotum.

If it has no testicles, it doesn't desire and copulate with female pigs.

MU231002 013

   Spoken: Sika ka  batasan    te  babuy. 
   Formal: Sika ka  batasan    te  babuy  
 Phonemic: sika ka2 batasan    te  babuy  
  Lexemes: sika ka2 batasan    te  babuy  
  Lex POS: pron cmk n          cmk n      
Lex Gloss: that F   custom/law NF  pig    
 Word POS: pron cmk n          cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: that the custom/law of  pig    

That the customs of pigs.

That's how pigs behave.

MU231002 014

   Spoken: Su         dueng    ku        re   igtaman       se  keddin         
   Formal: su         duen     ku        re   igtaman       se  keddi      ne  
 Phonemic: su         du­en    ku        de­  ­igtaman      se  keddi­    #ne  
  Lexemes: su         du­e2=-N ku        de­  ­ig-   =taman se  keddi­    #ne  
  Lex POS: conj       pron =– pron      part v_aff  =adv   cmk pron      #lnk 
Lex Gloss: because/so there=– 1s_NF(II) only NP_AccF=until F   1s_NF(III)#LNK 
 Word POS: conj       dem      pron      part v             cmk pron      #lnk 
Wrd Gloss: so         there    I         just finish        the my        #-   

   Spoken: pangguhuren.           
   Formal: pangguhuren            
 Phonemic: pa¥guguden             
  Lexemes: paN- =gugud     =-en   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: DISTR=tell_story=ObF   
 Word POS: v                      
Wrd Gloss: story                  

So there I will finish my story.

And so my story finishes there.

A very conventional ending.